Friday, December 31, 2010

The New Year - No resolutions, just intentions!

I was just reading another blog, and she talked about the word 'resolution'. I never really thought about it, considering every year we ALL make resolutions with the intentions to keep them and continue them, but how many of us have really stuck to a resolution we've sworn to uphold? I know I haven't. 45% of Americans make New Years Resolutions, and only 40% of those people keep their word for longer than 6 months. Losing weight, eating better, and to quit smoking, definitely the most popular of them all.

So I've decided that this year, no resolutions - just intentions. It takes too much pressure to resolve a "problem". But if I have the best of intentions to accomplish something this year, it makes it much more bearable. And if for some reason I fall off the wagon, so to speak, it's easy to get back to it the next day.

But, alas, I'm still the typical woman. My intention this year - to lose 66 pounds. I've been blessed enough that with both of my children, I've ended up smaller after giving birth than I was when I became pregnant. However, with Breleigh, I didn't take advantage and continue to lose weight. I'm glad that I'm still smaller overall than I was before I started having children, but for some reason now, that's just not enough anymore.

This is me before pregnancy.

This is me after Breleigh.

This is me now!

I'm hoping that you guys will help keep me accountable and ask how I'm doing! :) But I decided that it started today. Not tomorrow. I thought about it, and I wanted to end this year on as good of a note as I started the new one. So far so good! When Luke gets home, I will be going for a long walk. I don't want to overdo it before I get cleared by my obstetrician at my 6 week appointment. But something is certainly better than nothing!

I of course hope to do more than that this year. I want to get out in the sun more, take the kids to places they've never been, take a mini girls trip at some point, and make my house prettier! I hope everyone has the best of intentions for 2011, and gets to accomplish something they've been meaning to do. If you get stuck or sidetracked, just start over again! It's just that easy :) Goodbye 2010!


  1. Love your post.. And I agree...I think so many people just throw their hands up and quit when they have a set back and life happens to them, but it is just as simple as "start again". Because what are your options,, Not to bother or begin again..
    When I pray for you, as I do daily. I will pray that you reach your expectations of your day..
    And Gods will for you...
    Love Ya..

  2. Hi there! Popping over from your mom's place.
    I hope you will enjoy the blogging world. It's lots of fun, you get to meet a lot of great people too!

    Good luck on your New Year's intentions. I pray you will do well! I have that same intention every year too and really need to get back at it. Just no fun walking when it's 34 out!

    Hope you are enjoying your New Years weekend!

  3. Amanda I applaud you for your new intentions to lose weight. It is so understandable after having a baby to have extra pounds. I pray you will have much success this year. I relate to wanting to lose weight, though I didn't just have a baby, mine is from over indulgence, and How my goal this year is to lose weight and become healthy. I started my walking on the 31st, with the intentions of continuing , but a bout with sinus infection and vertigo has put a stop to that at least for this week. But with the Lord's help I will begin as soon as I can. So please check on me and if need be remind me to get going. lol
    I will be checking in on you too.
    Praying God's richest blessings on you and your beautiful family this year.
    HUgs, Sue

  4. Lovely to *meet* you! Your Mom linked to you and encouraged us all to stop over. What a blessing to have those little ones to love and care for! You are right to go slow and easy so soon after baby. Walking is the *best* exercise and the easiest to include young ones are on the right track. keep it slow and patient with yourself and enjoy!

    Many blessings to you!

  5. Now that's a girl that knows how to handle a 'resolution' I think the same way. I never make a resolution as I don't want to disappoint myself so I just stick with intentions, really good intentions which seems to work better for me!

    You're on the right track because you have the right attitude!

    Peeking in from your moms blog!!

  6. HI! I"m one of your Mom's bloggy friends...and thought I'd stop by. You are absolutely beautiful...with some very precious children. Enjoy these moments...the years (and the pounds) will slip away.......all too quickly!!!
